Writing Tips | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories

- Tip -

See what arrives to empty spaces


If I go sit somewhere that looks as empty as a blank piece of paper and I simply look around… stare… blink… turn my head… before too long, I nearly always see something appear.  The Elf Elders remind us often that our imaginations can fill up very big spaces.

I don’t have to strain to make something happen or to make something out.  In fact, it is better to let my mind wander, because this allows characters to comfortably wander in.


Once something (or someone) appears, I can often just follow it (or him or her…) to the beginning of the story.  The character usually knows where it is going.


New idea: Sit in a place that looks and feels empty.  Look around.  Let the time roll by.  See what arrives.

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The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories